Uncomplicated Techniques for Unclogging a Toilet

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We have noticed the article relating to How to Unclog a Toilet Without a Plunger listed below on the web and thought it made sense to discuss it with you here.

Clever Ways to Unclog a Toilet Without a Plunger
When your commode malfunctions and also congest, it is greater than a small hassle. A plugged bathroom that backflows with filthy water is also disgusting as well as dangerous to your health. Furthermore, it interrupts your house entirely due to the fact that everybody requires access to the commode throughout the day. The good news is, you can still attempt to clear the obstruction by yourself with these useful ideas:


Just how To Unblock the Commode Without a Bettor

The very best way to take care of a blocked commode is to utilize a bettor but there might be situations where you do not have accessibility to one. If If the bathroom is blocked and you don't have a plunger convenient, have no worry. There is more than one means to clean out the toilet and also some of these means consist of typical household things that you likely already have. If an obstruction is certain problematic, you may require to utilize a drainpipe snake to unclog it. Yet these natural home remedy will certainly assist push via several of the a lot more minor obstructions you're likely to encounter.


Usage vinegar and Baking Soda

Reliable house staples like vinegar and cooking soda will certainly be available in handy. Apart from utilizing them for cooking cleaning surfaces as well as serving as deodorizers, these 2 wonder compounds can get rid of clogs well. Best of all, they are non-toxic and will certainly leave your toilet scenting fresh and tidy. Here's what you need to do:


  • Pour a mug of baking soda right into the toilet

  • Pour in two cups of vinegar

  • Enjoy the carbonated actions as they pour bubbles

  • Flush the bathroom

  • You might require to repeat the process a couple of times until the blockage is totally gone. The chain reaction the arise from incorporating these two will certainly function well in softening clogs.

    Attempt Ordinary Dish Soap and Hot Water

    Boil one gallon of warm water in your pot. Next, pour some nice-smelling liquid dish soap onto your toilet. As soon as the water boils, pour it meticulously right into the commode. Await about 15 mins for this concoction to work its magic. The warm water and soap are expected to soften the blockage. Additionally, you can utilize your hair shampoo, also. Hereafter treatment, you ought to have the ability to purge the commode without worries.

    Buy a Bathroom Snake

    A toilet snake is a reasonably inexpensive apparatus in your equipment shop. Most importantly, any person can utilize it, also somebody who isn't a handyman. All you require to do is poke the gadget in the toilet to unclog it. Nevertheless, it can get truly messy because you need to utilize your hands and also bend down to reach the blockage.

    Get a Bettor

    The plunger is the primary tool for unclogging toilets. As a matter of fact, every household should have one because they work so efficiently. First, make certain you get a big sufficient dimension to cover the hole in your bathroom. After that, put the plunger and delicately push it down initially to eliminate air. This produces the suction you require to get rid of the obstruction. As soon as you have actually got a good seal, you can plunge down powerfully. If you're taking care of unclean water, placed on gloves, mask, goggles, as well as put on old clothing in case you obtain sprayed. You might require to pump the plunger several times till the clog loosens as well as the circulation is recovered.

    Put Family Bleach and Powdered Soap

    Bleach like Clorox succeeds to break down waste. Simply follow the meal soap instructions. Change the soap with 3 cups of bleach. After a couple of mins, gather powdered soap. Wait for 15 mins and purge the commode. This blend will assist break down any waste and clear the blocked toilet.

    Add Warm Water

    If dish soap alone doesn't do the trick, including water could relocate things along. Load a pail with hot bath water (boiling water can cause a porcelain bathroom to fracture) and also pour the water right into the commode from waist degree. The force of the water could remove the cause of the blockage.

    Require Specialist Help

    While the services over are trustworthy and valuable, they might be quite unpleasant if you've obtained a persistent obstruction that won't budge. The very best point to do in this circumstances is to call a professional plumber. They can deal with your stopped up commode and also evaluate your drain system with a drain cam inspection to see if you've got any larger concerns.

    How to Unblock a Toilet Easily With These 6 Most Common Ways


    Identify the Type of the Blockage


    A sign that a blockage is forming is the water draining slowly from the toilet. When you notice this, do not wait for the toilet to become completely obstructed. It is much easier to unblock it early on.


    The second type of stoppage is when, after flushing the toilet, the water in the bowl is very little or there is none at all. This means that there is an issue with the air circulation in the waste pipe.


    Lastly, there is the complete blockage which is identified by how the water level in the toilet bowl keeps rising towards the brim and does not drain away. If you have this type of obstruction, move as much water as possible from the bowl into a separate bucket and avoid the temptation to flush again, otherwise, you risk having to deal with water spilling everywhere and a much bigger mess.


    If you are having trouble identifying the type of blockage, call a plumber to deal with your blocked toilet in London.


    Note: A blockage in a toilet macerator or waste outlet needs diagnosing the root of the problem and application of unblocking methods different from those used for standard toilets. Your best bet is to contact a Saniflo plumber who will help you remove the blockage the hassle-free way.


    Prepare the area


    Place old towels and newspapers around the toilet bowl to protect the floor from any overspill, splashes or drips. Save your best towels for another time. It might be a good idea to have a bucket waiting on standby, should the case to pull up rather than pushing down a blockage arise. Use rubber gloves and wear old clothes to protect yourself.


    Prevent overflows


    To ensure that no overflowing nightmares happen that day, you will need to turn the shutoff valve. Look for it on the pipe coming off the wall behind the toilet. Turn it clockwise and make sure not to accidentally break it if it is not budging and you use too much strength. You can spray a little penetrating oil on the valve to loosen it.


    If that doesn’t work or you have an older toilet that doesn’t have a shutoff valve, deal with either the float or the flapper inside the water tank. Don’t worry, the water inside the tank is the same as the one that comes out of the tap.


    The float is the large ball-like or balloon-like element that sinks down when the water level drops and opens the water valve to fill up the tank. You can use something to keep it upright. Alternatively, you can close the flapper. That is the circular drain stopper attached to a chain. Doing either of these three options will prevent water from filling up the tank after you have flushed.


    Double-check your plunger


    Before proceeding with the plunger, double-check if you can remove the obstruction manually if it is a child’s toy or another object. If that is not the case, then it is time to pick up the plunger. Make sure you are using the correct one: a plunger that has a rubber flange that can fold back up into the suction cup when not in use is for toilets; a plunger without one is for sinks. Using the wrong instrument will make the job more difficult and time-consuming since you won’t have a tight seal around the hole. To make the plunger even more effective, you can soften the rubber by soaking it in hot water for a few minutes.


    Before you start plunging, make sure the plunger is submerged in water and it is completely covering the pipe. You can add water from the sink to the toilet bowl to achieve the best results.


    It’s time to plunge


    Start by slowly and firmly pushing down to create a seal and then pulling up sharply to dislodge the obstruction. When you pick up the pace, you will notice the water starting to drain. It usually takes at least 15 minutes to unclog a toilet.


    When draining, some water may dislodge and push forward the blockage. If it doesn’t, then fill up the toilet bowl with water to its usual level again and repeat the process. Some stubborn clogs containing hair or wet wipes may require a couple of rounds of plunging.


    Clean your tools


    Once you are done, it is important to give your tool a good clean. The best way is to pour some bleach and washing liquid into the toilet bowl and swirl the plunger for a few minutes in the mixture. Then rinse it by flushing the toilet twice. This will also help move the blockage forward.


    Unclog Your Loo with a Drain Auger


    A toilet auger (also known as a closet auger, drain auger and plumber’s snake) is essentially a long, flexible cable, which has a handle on one end and a corkscrew-shaped tip on the other. It also has a rubber covering that protects the toilet bowl from scratches. Follow these steps to find out how to unclog a toilet with a snake:


    Insert the cable into the toilet


    Start by inserting the auger into the toilet and positioning the curved part of the instrument at the curved part of the toilet bowl. If you can still see the cable, then you need to push the auger further in.


    Rotate the handle until the blockage is clear


    Hold the auger housing in one hand and rotate the handle slowly with the other. Make sure you don’t use too much force as this could backfire and make the cable coil back. Turn the handle patiently in one direction until you get some resistance. When you feel like it cannot go any further, then it is safe to assume that you have reached the blockage.


    If the cork-screw tip perforates the blockage, you can pull the cable out along with the obstruction. Alternatively, the tip can break the obstruction into smaller pieces, which can then be flushed away safely.


    Get the cable out


    If the cable can go in deeper than before and there is no resistance anymore, pull it out by rotating in the opposite direction.


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Minimize Secondary Damage After Disaster Water Damage: Cleaning Guidelines

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Interior concerns like ruptured pipes and also overflows can result in emergency flooding. Maintain on reviewing to discover out what you can when dealing with emergency flooding.

1. Shut Off Main Water Shutoff

Pipelines can burst as a result of cold temps, high pressure, blockage, hot water heater issues, as well as various other elements. Despite the reason, you have to act quickly to ensure porous residence products, devices, and also home furnishings do not take in the water, resulting in damage. Shut down the major valve before you do any kind of cleansing to guarantee water stops gathering. Eliminating the water source is straightforward, as well as it is something you can do yourself. When it comes to the burst pipeline, require emergency situation pipes services to repair it right now.

2. Shut down the Breaker

With a big flood, you need to make sure the power is out. Water is a conductor, and also if it reaches your electrical outlets, it can cause injuries or fatalities. Shut off the circuit breaker to avoid electrocution. If you can refrain from doing it, make a fast contact us to the power business to close the main line. Maintain the power off up until excess water is gone.

3. Relocate Necessary Damp Times

When it involves conserving your home furnishings as well as home appliances, time is of the essence. You need to move whatever whet personal belongings you can from the affected location to a dry place. This deters more damage because the longer they take in water, the more considerable the problem.

4. Record the Extent of Damages

Take note of all the damages brought upon by the burst pipeline. With paperwork, you can also obtain a clear photo of the level of the damage.

5. Remove Water ASAP

You should get rid of excess water as quickly as possible. Should there be a huge quantity of standing water, you may require a water pump for extraction. When marginal water is left, you can saturate up the rest with old t shirts or towels.

6. Dry the Area

Concentrate on drying the influenced areas. If the climate is enjoyable, open doors and windows to enhance air flow. You can also set up electric fans as well as put them in the toughest setting. A dehumidifier likewise works in taking out dampness to stop mildew and molds.

7. Work with Professionals

When you experience comprehensive water damage due to emergency flooding from a ruptured pipeline, you can work with a remediation professional to rebuild and renovate your house. Most of all, do not fail to remember to call a respectable plumbing to deal with the burst pipeline and inspect the remainder of your piping system. Otherwise, all your clean-up will certainly be provided worthless.

Pipelines can burst due to freezing temperatures, high stress, blockage, water heating unit concerns, and also other elements. No issue the reason, you have to act quickly to guarantee porous house products, home appliances, and also home furnishings do not soak up the water, resulting in damages. Close off the major shutoff prior to you do any type of cleansing to ensure water stops putting in. Need to there be a huge quantity of standing water, you may need a water pump for extraction. When you endure considerable water damages due to emergency flooding from a burst pipeline, you can function with a remediation professional to restore and also remodel your home.


Surviving the Imperfect Storm: Tips for Emergency Situation Preparations

If you stay in a storm-prone area, you ought to be utilized now on what to do, where to go and also what to need to be prepared for bad weather condition. Nevertheless, if you're not used to getting pummeled by high winds and difficult rain, you possibly don't have an suggestion how best to face a storm circumstance.

For starters, tornados do not simply come without a caution. Weather stations keep an eye on the environment everyday. If a storm is possible, they will provide 2 types of cautions:

Storm watch-- is issued when there is a feasible storm in your area. You most likely will be experiencing a dark, cloudy sky, an abnormally windy day and some rain. The tornado might or may not come, however this is the moment to maintain tuned to your neighborhood radio for information and also updates.

Storm warning-- is provided when a storm is headed toward your area. Try to stay inside your home as long as possible. Or if citizens are encouraged to leave to a much safer location, go as early as you can. Don't wait until the eleventh hour to leave your residence. Already, the streets could be flooded and traffic misbehaves. You do not intend to be captured in your auto in bad weather condition.

Blizzard-- generally occurs in winter months and indicates hefty snow, strong winds as well as wind cool. When a warning is provided, stay clear of taking a trip as much as possible as well as remain inside. There is no usage revealing yourself outdoors where you can get entraped in web traffic or in locations where you will certainly be difficult to reach or even worse, locate.

For all our innovation, no one can quit a storm from coming. The only method to endure it is to be prepared to deal with the emergency situation. Things don't constantly spoil during tornados, but climate is unforeseeable and anything can take place. To aid you prepare for a tornado emergency, here are a few ideas:

Dress up.
Use enough clothes to keep on your own cozy. Warmth might not be offered in your house so get added layers as well as blankets to maintain your body temperature level completely. Have your mittens, handwear covers, hats, socks as well as boots ready too.

Have food prepared.
Emergency situation arrangements are a should throughout storm emergency situations. If the storm obtains as well negative as well as the roads are flooded, you will certainly have a problem going out to the grocery store shops.

Maintain containers of water useful. Tidy water may be difficult ahead by during truly negative conditions as well as the most awful point you can do is struggle with dehydration due to the fact that you were not prepared. Maintain a supply of at least one gallon for each individual daily that will certainly last for 3 to 4 days.

Fill the tub.
You'll need much more water for washing as well as flushing the bathrooms. When the power is out, your water pump won't operate, so best fill your bath tub, water containers and pails with water. If you have kids in your home, take safety measures by covering deep containers as well as keeping children far from the shower room unless needed.

Emergency kit
Have a clinical or very first kit all set as well as ensure it's freshly-stocked. It should have disinfectants, gauzes, cotton rounds, Q-tips, medicated plasters as well as necessary medications. It's also a great suggestion to have another set in your auto.

If anyone in your household is under unique drug, make sure you have enough supplies to last up until after the storm mores than as well as medicine shops are open.

Lights off
Anticipate power blackouts throughout tornado emergency situations. You will not have any kind of power, so supply on candle lights, flashlights as well as emergency situation lights. Have additional fresh batteries and matches in case you go out.

If you can not switch on the TV, have a battery-powered radio tuned in to a terminal that covers your location. Media will keep track of the storm and also will keep you upgraded.

You may need warm water during the period when power is not yet readily available, so keep a tiny storage tank of gas around simply in case. Your outside barbecue grill will do nicely.

Get an alternate sanctuary.
Make sure you have sufficient gas in your tank in instance you require to obtain out of the residence and move someplace. Maintain to a greater ground where you have better possibilities of being safe as well as completely dry.

Tornado watch-- is released when there is a feasible storm in your area. Storm warning-- is issued when a storm is headed towards your location. To help you prepare for a tornado emergency situation, right here are a few pointers:

Emergency situation arrangements are a must throughout storm emergency situations. Expect power outages throughout storm emergency situations.

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How to Replace a Tub in Your Bathroom




We've unearthed this article involving How to Install a Bathtub down the page on the internet and thought it made perfect sense to write about it with you here.

How to Install a Bathtub Yourself
Setting up a bathtub isn't specifically brain surgery, but it does call for solid plumbing, carpentry, as well as sometimes, tiling abilities. Replacing an old bath tub with a brand-new one is also a reasonably challenging task. If the old tub is readily obtainable, the job can relocate quickly; if you need to open a wall surface to eliminate the old tub as well as position the brand-new tub, the job is much harder. In either instance, the project is within a house handyman's skills, although you will certainly need an assistant to move out the old bathtub as well as embeded in the new one. See to it you have certified on your own for the task and are comfortable trying it. Instead of hiring a specialist to take control of a halfway-completed job, it is far better to think about using one before you begin. Possibilities are you might need a specialist plumber to make tube connections.
This post will certainly assist you mount a new tub in your bathroom if you have already gotten a new tub and also don't need to transform the arrangement of your previous supply of water pipelines.
Your tools as well as product checklist ought to consist of the following:


  • New Bathtub

  • Hammer

  • Pipe Wrenches

  • Prybar

  • Shatterproof glass

  • Degree

  • Pliers

  • Adjustable Wrench

  • Putty Knife

  • Screwdriver

  • Cold Knife

  • Tape Measure

  • Pipe Caps


Getting ready for the Installment

To start with, the supporting framework provided with the bathroom ought to be fitted (if needed) according to the supplier's instructions. Next, fit the faucets or mixer to the bath tub. When fitting the tap block, it is important to ensure that if the tap includes a plastic washing machine, it is fitted in between the bath and the taps. On a plastic bathroom, it is additionally reasonable to fit a supporting plate under the taps unit to prevent stress on the tub.
Fit the adaptable faucet connectors to the bottom of the two taps utilizing 2 nuts as well as olives (occasionally provided with the tub). Fit the plug-hole electrical outlet by smearing mastic filler round the sink electrical outlet opening, and afterwards pass the outlet through the hole in the bath. Utilize the nut supplied by the maker to fit the plug-hole. Take a look at the plug-hole electrical outlet for an inlet on the side for the overflow pipeline.
Next off, fit the end of the versatile overflow pipe to the overflow outlet. After that, screw the pipeline to the overflow face which must be fitted inside the bathroom. Make certain you make use of every one of the provided washing machines.
Attach the trap to the bottom of the waste outlet on the bathtub by winding the thread of the waste outlet with silicone mastic or PTFE tape, and screw on the trap to the outlet. Connect the bottom of the overflow tube in a similar manner.The bathroom need to currently prepare to be suited its last placement.



Removing Old Touches

If you require to change old taps with new ones as a part of your setup, then the first thing you ought to do is disconnect the water supply. After doing so, turn on the faucets to drain any type of water remaining in the system. The process of removing the existing faucets can be fairly bothersome because of the restricted gain access to that is frequently the case.
Utilize a basin wrench (crowsfoot spanner) or a tap device to reverse the nut that links the supply pipes to the taps. Have a towel prepared for the staying water that will originate from the pipelines. As soon as the supply pipelines have been removed, use the very same device to loosen the nut that holds the taps onto the bath/basin. You will certainly need to stop the solitary faucets from turning throughout this process. Once the faucets have actually been eliminated, the holes in the bath/basin will need to be cleaned up of any old securing substance.
Before going on to fit the brand-new faucets, compare the pipeline links on the old taps to the brand-new faucets. If the old taps are longer than the brand-new faucets, then a shank adapter is needed for the new taps to fit.



Installing the Bath tub

Utilizing the two wood boards under its feet, put the bathtub in the called for setting. The wooden boards are practical in evenly spreading out the weight of the tub over the area of the boards instead of focusing all the weight onto four tiny points.
The next objective is to make sure that the tub is leveled all round. This can be achieved by examining the spirit level and readjusting the feet on the bathtub up until the level checks out level.
To set up taps, fit all-time low of the furthest versatile tap port to the appropriate supply pipeline by making a compression join; after that do the exact same for the various other tap.
Activate the supply of water and also inspect all joints and also new pipework for leakages and tighten them if needed. Fill the bathtub as well as also inspect the overflow electrical outlet as well as the regular outlet for leakages.
Ultimately, repair the bathroom paneling as described in the maker's user's manual. Tiling and sealing around the bath tub should wait up until the bath tub has been utilized at the very least once as this will certainly resolve it into its last setting.



Suitable New Taps

If the tails of the new faucets are plastic, after that you will require a plastic adapter to prevent damage to the string. One end of the connector fits on the plastic tail of the tap as well as the other end supplies a link to the existent supply pipelines.
If you require to fit a monobloc, after that you will need lowering couplers, which connects the 10mm pipe of the monobloc to the conventional 15mm supply pipeline.
Next off, place the faucet in the placing opening in the bath/basin ensuring that the washers are in place between the tap and the sink. Protect the tap in place with the manufacturer provided backnut. Once the tap is securely in place, the supply pipes can be connected to the tails of the taps. The faucets can either be connected by utilizing corrugated copper piping or with regular faucet adapters. The former type ought to be linked to the tap ends first, tightening only by hand. The supply pipelines can later on be attached to the various other end. Tighten up both ends with a spanner after both ends have actually been connected.



Tiling Around the Bathtub

In the area where the bathroom fulfills the floor tile, it is needed to secure the joins with a silicone rubber caulking. This is essential as the fitting can move sufficient to fracture an inflexible seal, creating the water to permeate the wall surface between the bathroom and the tiling, causing complications with dampness and also possible leakages to the ceiling listed below.
You can select from a selection of coloured sealers to assimilate your fixtures and also fittings. They are marketed in tubes and cartridges, and also are capable of securing gaps approximately a width of 3mm (1/8 inch). If you have a bigger gap to load, you can load it with twists of soaked paper or soft rope. Keep in mind to always fill the bath tub with water before sealing, to permit the motion experienced when the tub is in usage. The sealant can crack fairly very early if you do not think about this activity before sealing.
Alternatively, ceramic coving or quadrant floor tiles can be made use of to edge the bath or shower tray. Plastic strips of coving, which are easy to use and reduce to dimension, are likewise quickly offered on the market. It is recommended to fit the tiles using waterproof or water-proof glue as well as grout.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Bathtub


Is your bathtub looking a bit dated lately? Believe it or not, installing a new one is a project you can do yourself. Whether your bathtub is broken or doesn’t fit in with your current bathroom’s design, you can fix it without having to hire a contractor or paying labour costs.

But, beyond saving money, there are other benefits of installing your own bathtub. When you do this project yourself, you can customise every step of the process. You can also make sure the finished product looks exactly the way you want it to.

This DIY project is quite involved, but by doing some research, preparing your bathroom and using the right equipment, it is definitely one you can take on. This guide will help you understand the technical procedures behind installing a new bathtub.


Remove the Existing Bathtub


To remove the old bathtub, you will need to turn the water supply off before you start any work. After you turn the water off, there will likely still be some water left in your plumbing system, which you can remove by turning on a faucet below the level of the bathtub. Once the water stops running, you are ready to start working.

The easiest way to remove the tub is to remove the faucet, handles and other piping and then pull the tub out from the wall. If this doesn’t work in your situation, you will need to remove part of the wall, remove the piping and then slide the tub out.


Choose the Right Bathtub


The ideal way to replace your bathtub is to find one that has the exact dimensions and has the drain and faucet on the same side as your old one. This way, it will fit in the same place and you won’t have to change the piping system in your bathroom. Choose a tub that matches your home’s decor and fits with the style of the bathroom.


Install the Plumbing and Ledger Board


You can purchase a tub drain kit at a hardware store which will have all the pieces you will need for your new tub’s plumbing. Follow the instructions that came with the kit to install the plumbing in the new tub and then take measurements to make sure the plumbing in the tub will align with the plumbing in your bathroom. If it doesn’t, now is the time to make necessary adjustments.

Some bathtubs need a ledger board that is installed on the wall behind the tub to help support it. If your new bathtub requires one, the directions that came with it will tell you how high it should be installed. If your old bathtub had a ledger board, and it is still in good condition, you can adjust its height to match the new bathtub.


Install the Bathtub


When the plumbing and ledger board are ready, you can install the new bathtub. Carefully lower it into the space, being careful not to damage the tub, wall, plumbing or ledger board. Since bathtubs are very heavy and you will need to line the tub up exactly, it is wise to have someone help you with this step.

Once the tub is in place, it needs to be perfectly level, so use a bubble level instead of estimating how level the tub is. Put the level on the top edge of the tub, not the bottom on the inside, since many tubs are designed with a sloped bottom.

If the bathtub isn’t level, adjust the ledger board and shift the tub until it is. When it is level, use screws to attach the tub to the wall studs. Most bathtubs have pre-drilled holes in the upper flange, so use these but do not over tighten the screws.


Hook up the Plumbing


Now that the bathtub is installed, it needs to be attached to your plumbing system. First, install the shoe fitting under the tub and drain pipe, then the overflow pipe and then the drain flange. Your tub plumbing kit will include specific instructions on how to install these pieces.


Install the Bathtub Surround


A bathtub surround will protect the walls around the tub from water damage and can give your new bathtub a more finished look. To install one, make sure the wall is completely clean and dry so that the adhesive will be able to hold the surround securely. Then, measure the surround and mark the same dimensions on the wall above the tub.

Following the directions that came with the surround adhesive, apply it to the wall. Press the surround against the wall on top of the adhesive and then pull it away for about three minutes to activate the adhesive, then apply the surround again. Keep in mind that this is the most common way to use an adhesive, but you should check the instructions on the package for any special steps.

If there is any excessive adhesive around the sides of the surround, you can use mineral spirits to remove it. Then use masking tape to hold the surround panels in place until the adhesive is dry. Using silicone, seal all the cracks between the surround panels and the gap between the bottom of the panels and the top of the bathtub.

If you want to install tile above your bathtub, instead of a bathtub surround, the process will be very similar. But, you will need to measure and cut tiles and install each one individually, using tile spacers to make sure they are evenly spaced. You will then use grout to fill in the spaces between the tiles.


How to Install a Bathtub: Install an Acrylic Tub and Tub Surround


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